Thursday, April 2, 2015

Teacher Smashes Student In Genitals With Axe.

A teacher who was performing a physics experiment accidentally struck a student in the crotch with an axe in front of a class of pupils in Portland, Oregon, USA.

A bizarre video footage has emerged online of the moment the teacher was attempting to smash open a concrete block, which was balanced on the chest of a man who was lying on the floor… and the experiment went disastrously wrong.
Teacher Smashes Student In Genitals With Axe.
A teacher who was performing a physics experiment accidentally struck a pupil in the crotch with an axe

The footage shows the teacher trying to crack open a breezeblock that is balancing on the chest of one of his students using an axe. First he is seen lecturing a class full of pupils, who are recording the experiment on their mobile phones.

Then he excitedly asks ‘everybody ready?’, swings the axe over his shoulder and loses his footing, bringing the axe it down on the man’s crotch, ausing him to squirm violently on the floor. The 17 second video was later uploaded to YouTube with the title: ‘How the physics teacher lost his job.’ READ MORE:

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