Monday, March 23, 2015

Dead man rises and torments villagers

Siphilisiwe Mloyi
A MAN, who died in a mine tunnel in Gwanda’s Mafuku Village, is reportedly appearing in public places in daylight terrorising residents.Sidubula Ncube (pictured) died in January and was buried in the presence of family members and villagers at his homestead.

Ncube allegedly resurfaced last weekend at a football pitch frightening spectators who were watching a soccer match.

Speaking to B-Metro, shocked villagers said they dreaded going to the shops and boreholes because of his ‘‘comeback’’.
A MAN, who died in a mine tunnel in Gwanda’s Mafuku Village, is reportedly appearing in public places in daylight terrorising residents.Sidubula Ncube (pictured) died in January and was buried in the presence of family members and villagers at his homestead.
“We are no longer free to go around because of Sidubula who is tormenting us. The man died and we attended his funeral to our surprise he appears as he was before the burial,” said Sakhile Moyo.

Sidubula’s mother Sibongile Ngwenya confirmed the incident and revealed that the headman had approached them on behalf of the villagers on the issue.

“I personally have seen him. He came one evening while I was cooking in the kitchen. Wabutha inhlabathi wangithela ngayo emehlweni kabili. (He took soil and threw it into my eyes).

“The headman even approached the family telling us that the villagers are complaining about my dead son, as he is tormenting them whenever they go to the shops or boreholes in daylight,” said Ngwenya.

The headman, Max Dube, told this publication that more than five villagers had approached him on separate occasions, narrating their encounters with the dead man.

He also revealed that his nephew fell prey to the mysterious man.

“Villagers came here to tell me that they had met Sidubula. The whole mystery behind this issue is that he appears as he was. He is not a ghost.

“My nephew met him and got partially paralysed. He was so frightened such that he left the village to stay with his aunt in Mberengwa.

Dube also revealed the mystery surrounding Sidubula’s death and burial.

“When went to collect the body from the mine, it was trapped in a boulder. Villagers were using chisels to destroy it. To everyone’s surprise the postmortem verified that the deceased did not suffer any injuries and upon burial wayetebha engawomanga njengezinye izidumbu.We suspect foul play,” said Dube.

Dube further revealed that the community was still waiting for the Ncube family to take action to restrain Sidubula from tormenting them. B-Metro

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