Friday, April 10, 2015

The Kinds Of Men Every Woman Needs To Meet But Not Marry.

Okay, girlfriend.. I know you’ve been dreaming of a great, grand wedding. Ever girl does. But before you get to that, you need to realize that time flies so fast. And when you tie the knot, it’s already tied. The deal is sealed. That means, you can’t really hang out with hot guys anymore or exchange flirty messages with a man you just met.

So, why not enjoy your time now? See, life is not a fairy tale. You can’t just expect to meet your true love right then and there and marry him. Well, it happens to some people. But let’s be realistic here, it doesn’t happen all the time.

Not all guys are the marrying type. But that doesn’t mean that they’re not worth dating. Here’s a list of ten guys that you should actually meet but not marry.

Not all guys are the marrying type. But that doesn’t mean that they’re not worth dating. Here’s a list of ten guys that you should actually meet but not marry.
1. The Dare Devil
Why you need to meet him: These dare devils are those guys you see in big bikes – the adventurous type. They love anything risky and their acts are always breath taking! He will bring you to a whole new level. You will definitely make the most out of your life with him and experience the extremes!

Why you shouldn’t marry him: Yes, it’s so easy to fall in love with this man! He might be a keeper.. but sometimes, these dare devils are just not the perfect husband-to-bes. They can be a bit laid back in dealing with serious stuff and can be too risky!

2. The Gamer Geek
Why you need to meet him: Who doesn’t love gaming? These gamer geeks can bring you to a different world. They’re creative, smart, witty, and are fun, too. They are real gentlemen and you will always be surprised with what they can come up with. He might not be your knight in shining armor, but hey, he can definitely slay a (virtual) dragon! Roar!

Why you shouldn’t marry him: Though they are really smart guys, gamer geeks have their own priorities. Most of them spend their money buying games and collectibles. And if you’re not really a fan of these games, you won’t last long no matter how hard you try.

3. That Hot, Player Hunk

Why you need to meet him: These hot guys are mostly your dream guys! Oh.. Mr. Perfect! Who wouldn’t want to date him? He got the looks, that steamy, hot, beach body.. He got the skills and all the girls go ga-ga for him! Imagine yourself showing off your boy! All girls will surely die in envy!

Why you shouldn’t marry him: Unless you want a messed up married life in the future, go for this hottie! These hot guys are chic magnets! C’mon! You won’t want to compete with a lot of different girls all the time. No matter how perfect he is, he might just not be the perfect husband for you.

4. Mr. Too Sensitive
Why you need to meet him: Girls are sensitive. And we all want guys who can understand how we feel. Sensitive guys just know how to please you. They’ll know what to say, what to do, how to make you happy, or sad. They seem to know how to push the right buttons.. and of course, you will always feel loved.

Why you shouldn’t marry him: Yes, he seems to understand everything. But sometimes, these guys can be too much to handle and you won’t want to have more drama in your life, right?

5. The Game Changer

Why you need to meet him: The game changer has one simple goal – to change you! The good thing about it is that you will be pushed to your limits. He will see what’s wrong and will try to change that. You will be able to improve your weaknesses at some point and be stronger.

Why you shouldn’t marry him: However, going out with a game changer is like holding a double edged sword. As much as he can change you for the better, he can also change you just so you can fit in to his world. Of course, who would want that! You need to be yourself and be loved because you are you.

6. The Older Guy

Why you need to meet him: At some point, you should date an older guy. These guys know a lot about everything. Normally, these guys are bachelors who are looking for the right girl or maybe wanting to have some fun. Older guys are usually at the tip of their success. And the best thing about it is that these guys are matured enough to handle relationships.

Why you shouldn’t marry him: Yes, there’s nothing wrong with marrying an older guy. However, you definitely want to get married with someone you can grow old with. And that’s never gonna happen with a guy 10 or 20 years older than you.
7. The Younger Guy

Why you need to meet him: Dating someone younger can actually remind you how fun it is to be in love. He will be there to cheer you up and he will surely fight for you. He’s also a good fun date if you want something fun and extraordinary.

Why you shouldn’t marry him: You don’t want to be his mom, do you? These younger guys sometimes require too much attention. Aside from that, women dating these guys are usually handling the relationship. Do you want to be called a cradle snatcher?

8. Mama’s Boy

Why you need to meet him: Guys who love their moms know how to truly love a girl. These mama’s boys may seem tough but they have a huge soft spot. They know how to treat you right and they’re so sweet. These guys are great conversation starters and are real gentlemen.

Why you shouldn’t marry him: These guys shouldn’t be a problem if you go well with their moms. However, in most cases, these women ended up competing with their boyfriends’ moms.

9. Mr. Too Good To Be True

Why you need to meet him: He’s fun, happy to be with, handsome, has a stunning, hot bod, and a smart one. You can’t even think of everything bad about him! He’s just a living dream, someone you would want to be with forever.

Why you shouldn’t marry him: Honey, there’s no perfect man! He needs to have a flaw.. but if you can’t find one. He might be hiding something.. Don’t be fooled.

10. The Jealous One

Why you need to meet him: We all want that special feeling of being loved. These jealous guys can make you feel loved all the time. They will be with you every step of the way and they will show you their passion in every single way.

Why you shouldn’t marry him: Yes, a little jealousy will not hurt. However, too much jealousy can ruin a relationship. You don’t want to be stuck with someone who doesn’t really trust you, right?
These are just some guys that you really need to meet before settling down. These guys might bring you heart breaks, but at least, you will learn.
Source: LaneLamani Team

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