Friday, April 10, 2015

Adorable Compliments That Will Melt Her Heart

They say that action speaks louder than words. It’s true. But words can be very powerful as well when you say it the right way. Some people can avoid conflict, arguments or turn the tables around with their honeyed tongues. And with the right choice of words you can definitely win over someone’s heart.

Here are ten adorable compliments that will accomplish just that.

You look hotter in that dress.
A woman likes it when someone takes notice on our clothes, shoes or fashion accessories. We put effort and take pride in trying to look pretty or at the very least, decent for the guy we like. So when you’re having dinner and you notice her wearing that little black dress and rocking her heels, now’s your chance.
Adorable Compliments That Will Melt Her Heart
You smell amazing.
If you want to give a sexy compliment without trying to be offensive or not sound like a perverted jerk, this I think is a nice option. It means you’ve had close physical contact to get a whiff on her heavenly scent.  It’s subtle and yet you’re kind of hinting a bit of sensuality to the compliment and also praising her for her great taste in perfumes.
You’re beautiful just the way you are.It tells her that you like and appreciate her exactly the way she is. It relieves her to know that she doesn’t have to put so much effort into always looking her best. Because she still looks pretty, bare faced and hair all tangled up.

I love how your smile lights up the room.
You are at a party and your girl arrives, walks her way towards you. And as you greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, you whisper this in her ears. You’re basically telling us that we’re so charismatic that we don’t only affect you, but all the other people within a close radius. That will definitely make me swoon and I’ll be blushing and smiling the whole night.

I’m very proud of you.
Whenever we accomplish something great, whether it’s related to work or a personal goal that we think is worth mentioning, we girls often share the news to our beaus. And it makes our success even sweeter when our partner acknowledges our success and lets us know that you’d be there cheering us on.

No one else makes me happy, the way you do.
It is probably one of the sweetest things you can say to your woman. It makes us feel like we play a major part in your life. That our actions, the home cooked meals and even the smallest of efforts didn’t go unnoticed.

I’m so lucky to have you.
Talk about making someone feel special. And coming from the person we love, this definitely sends our heart into overdrive. So please when you get the chance, go ahead, look into her eyes and pause for a little bit, and then tell her this in the most seductive way possible.

I wish I’d meet you sooner.
When you’re having your normal and casual conversation, slip in a few what if questions and just when she’s immersed in your exchange of dialogue, ask her this question, If you’re able to change something in the past, what is it you’re going to change? After she answers, there’s a great chance she’ll turn the question back to you. And boom, you know just what to say.

As long as you’re with me.
Me and my then boyfriend (who is now my husband) sometimes argue as to where we’ll be eating dinner or have our date. It always started with, Where do you want to go? I don’t know what about you? I asked you first and ends up with Whatever plus an awkward silence. So, he certainly caught me off guard when he said, All I care about is spending time with you. Everything is great as long as you’re with me.

You’re one in a million.
Now that is message that you must relay to your special girl. Never miss an opportunity to tell her that she’s the only one for you and that all the other girls couldn’t compare to her because she is exceptional. One of a kind. Irreplaceable.

Just like any other uttered words, the conviction lies in the heart of the speaker. And in the case of wooing the person you like, what makes a compliment most effective is the sincerity and the emotion you put into it. If there is honesty and love concealed behind your words, then you might just accomplish more than just melting her heart.
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