Monday, March 23, 2015

Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) lecturer leaks exams to student lover?

Gibson Mhaka
STUDENTS at the Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) are up in arms with the college authorities for allegedly “protecting” a lecturer who they accused of “unethical practices” following reports that he is allegedly leaking exam papers to his wife-cum-student.

According to alleged victims and college sources, the lecturer’s wife is bragging to fellow students saying exam questions are kept as a secret from them but not to her since she is a lecturer’s wife.

The pair is alleged to have started dating in 2011 when the woman was doing her first year.

“We feel betrayed by college authorities for failing to take action against one of our lecturers who has been leaking exam questions to his wife. The lecturer is also harassing students who dare to go against his wife’s wishes in class.
Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) lecturer leaks exams to student lover?
We raised several complaints with the department but the matter was just kept under the carpet despite overwhelming evidence which we can produce before the college authorities to back our claims,” said a source who preferred anonymity for fear of victimisation.

Contacted for comment the lecturer however, disputed the allegations before he referred questions to Tinashe Mutema who is the college’s Director of Communications and International Relations.

Mutema however, allayed fears of unethical practice by the lecturer saying he has since excused himself from all departmental issues, including handling of examinations until his wife leaves the college.

“The issue of his marriage to a student came out later, because of that he has since recused himself from all departmental issues including handling of examinations and relinquishing the post until his wife leaves HIT.

Furthermore, he is not teaching any of the classes that his wife is taking. Let me take this opportunity to ally the fears of those students and other stakeholders that everything was done to safeguard the integrity of our exams,” he said. B-Metro

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