Thursday, February 15, 2018

Sign The Petition By Clicking Here - Petition For Morgan Tsvangirai To Be Declared A National Hero

Robert Maweni has started an online petition for the late MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai to be declared a national hero.

The petition which requires 500 signatures will be handed to the Government of Zimbabwe. Maweni argues Tsvangirai deserves to be honored for challenging former President Robert Mugabe’s regime. Said Maweni
Sign The Petion By Clicking Here - Petition For Morgan Tsvangirai To Be Declared A National Hero
When people in his own party were afraid to challenge Mugabe’s corrupt administration and his abuse of human rights, Mr Tsvangirai stood up to fight for democracy in Zimbabwe. When the need came, he answered the call and lead faithfully, the symbol of hope of a better Zimbabwe for many of us. He was beaten, abused and imprisoned multiple times but was not deterred. He was cheated, robbed, and many his followers maimed and killed, but still he fought on for a better Zimbabwe, even humbling himself to the point of serving with his persecutors. Fighting for a better Zimbabwe. Fighting to complete that dream of a free that many other Zimbabwean heroes had died fighting for in the 70s and 80s.
If you believe that Tsvangirai should be declared a national hero Sign The Petition By Clicking Here

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