Friday, May 15, 2015

Man gets in trouble for telling his girlfriend: “I like your friend more.”

A BULAWAYO man dumped his girlfriend and then told her: “I like your friend more.”
What happened next forced Nyasha Joseph Suliali, of Kumalo suburb, to run to court seeking protection from the two women, both students at the University of Science and Technology (Nust).

Said Suliali: “I was in a relationship with Cindrella Chihota. She became violent when I confessed of my interest in her friend Prisca Muchochonyi. On May 1, 2015, Cindrella together with Prisca came to my house and tied my hands and feet with ropes they were carrying in their bags.

“They tied a scarf around my neck and gagged my mouth. They poured Domestos bleach on my head and face. They threw me on the floor, undressed me and poured cold water from the refrigerator on my back, while beating me with a wooden clipboard.
Man gets in trouble for telling his girlfriend: “I like your friend more.”
“They poured a substance on my genitals; cut all my clothes with scissors; smeared my laptop with margarine; dispossessed me of my vehicle and sent text messages with threats that they hadn’t begun punishing me.”

Suliali, an employee of Nust, on Thursday begged a magistrate to grant him a protection order against the two menacing women, both residents of Old Mutual Flats in Hillside.

Chihota and Muchochonyi did not attend the hearing.

Magistrate Evelyn Mashavakure granted a peace order against Muchochonyi and a protection order against Chihota through a default judgment.

First, however, Mashavakure, admonished Suliali for his conduct.

“Do you realise that you were the one who provoked them? How can you tell your girlfriend that you’re now interested in her friend? How do you want this court to protect you?” the magistrate asked.

Suliali said he confessed to Chihota “because I could not contain my feelings much longer.”

Chihota and Muchochonyi are barred, by the court order, from going to Suliali’s residence.

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