Thursday, May 7, 2015

Smallhouse‘ drags lover’s wife accuses woman of causing her to experience menstruation for three months.

In a suspected case of witchcraft, a ‘smallhouse‘ dragged her lover’s wife to the police accusing her of causing her to experience continued menstruation for the past three months!

Kudzanai Gwashu, 34’s allegations came after her lover, 42-year-old Charles Mariyano’s wife Nyarai Kariva, 45, allegedly took her panties and a cellphone from her handbag without her knowledge.

Nyarai confirmed taking the knickers with the intention to seek help from Prophets so as to cause a separation between her hubby and Kudzanai.
Smallhouse‘ drags lover’s wife accuses woman of causing her to experience menstruation for three months.
Kudzanai revealed that she had lost a lot of weight in three weeks as she took most of her time in the toilet experiencing blood flows from her privates. “I used my bed-sheets in trying to stop the blood since I could afford to buy cotton wool or get pads although normally I use torn clothes during my menstruation periods,” said Kudzanai

“Nyarai came to one of Charless relatives where I was accommodated waiting to be introduced to his family as er customs and she then searched my handbag and too away my phone and blue knickers. Highly suspecting that Nyarai, I called a Police Officer and she admitted to taking the knickers saying she wanted to take them to a local prophet in Waterfalls accusing me of snatching her husband.

“But I don’t feel ashamed of being Charles’s second wife since he has been my lover from childhood, he deflowered me when I was 14! I refused to take back the knickers since she had spent the night with them before we met at the Police station where we received counselling.

“Charles later collected the knickers from Nyarai and burnt them in my presence and local prophets i visited blamed me for allowing them to be burnt. I started bleeding two days after the knickers were burnt and I lost a lot of blood within days as I spent most of my time ndakagara pachamber zvemachira zvashaya basa,” lamented Kudzanai

She went on to reveal that Nyarai took the knickers to local prophets and traditional healers in Mufakose who openly told her that Nyarai had visited the ahead of her.

“Haana kuwana nguva yekurara zuva raakatora brugwa rangu. I visited prophets around here and two of them told me that Nyarai had already approached them over her marriage holding the knickers,”Kudzanai continued with her narrations.

“It affected me so much ad the police took no action saying the issues of witchcraft were not criminal and I finally got help from Madzimai Enguwo Tsvuku. She asked me to take raspberry drink, cooking oil in a traditional wooden plate and the blood stopped. Vakapenga vanoita zvose zvaunoda madzimai ivavo, ” said Kudzanai

Nyarai confirmed taking the knickers and said she used anointing oil she bought from ‘some’ church member of a denomination she refused to state.

“I bought anointing oil from someone since I wanted Kudzanai to stop her shenanigans with my husband. I confronted the relative who was accommodating Kudzanai and she allowed me to search Kundai’s handbag and I took her knickers so as to pour the anointing oil on them to separate her from husband.

“I want to believe that my husband also took some of her clothes and included one of my underpants to Kudzanai’s house but to be honest I never took the knickers to sangomas in a way to bewitch her ndakangoshandisa anointing oil.

“I heard that she was bleeding and I want to believe that she miscarried not that ndakamuroya as is being alleged. She was pregnant, not what she is telling people that she experienced continuous menstruation. What I want is for her to leave my husband as we speak, I have been deprived of my conjugal rights as I have not had sex since her bleeding stopped and I feel challenged because she brings untold suffering into my family, said Nyarai
Source: H-Metro

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