Thursday, May 7, 2015

This is how the Miss Zimbabwe marketing team blundered.

I wish to comment on the Miss Zimbabwe 2015 and all the drama and negative responses to the beautiful Emily Kachote.

Reading all these negative comments pains me as I come from an industry where I have hosted and produced dozens of beauty pageants worldwide and have given the chance and opportunity to many girls and guys, not only in the pageant industry but also in the modelling industry to follow their dreams.

It hurts to see all these negative comments about a beautiful girl who was selected by the pageant judges as a worthy winner of the Miss Zimbabwe pageant.
I wish to comment on the Miss Zimbabwe 2015 and all the drama and negative responses to the beautiful Emily Kachote.
The organisers of Miss Zimbabwe need to look at the way they market the winner, finalist and contestants to the public and the press, especially the pictures they send out to the press, which in return are released to the public.

Here, my view is that the Miss Zimbabwe marketing team erred in releasing a unflattering picture of a beautiful girl, which does not reflect a good image of the girls and the organisation as a whole.

These pictures will influence what the public think and the reaction. Last year and again this year unflattering pictures were released and the same negative reaction was again expressed by the pubic.

It’s so important to get that first image right that is released to the press and public.

With our Miss Zimbabwe beauty pageants especially in Zimbabwe, we may now be creating hesitancy by our beautiful young, talented girls, who would love to enter but will now not enter due to the negative reaction and response given by the public.

The pageant is there to build, empower young girls and not to strip them down the way they have been in the last two years by the public and the organisation should be there to ensure this doesn’t ever happen.

The girls have worked so hard to get to were they are as contestants, finalist and winners and it is important that all that hard work is respected and portrayed in that one picture that is released of them.

Their one goal is to be the ambassador for their country and raise the flag high with pride and respect.

I am sure Emily will make us proud and I wish her all the best in her new adventure she has been choose to do. Well done Emily for being selected as Miss Zimbabwe 2015.

Patience Muzanenhamo – Lusengo, Noir Models / Code Teen

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