Monday, April 27, 2015

Former SDA church member in trouble for attending Prophet Makandiwa's church.

A 28-year-old Bulawayo woman who had been attending Seventh Day Adventist Church since birth has been disowned by her family for joining popular Emmanual Makandiwa's church.

Precious Sibanda was accused by her mother Maria of joining a 'satanic' church.

She is now living with a friend in Famona in Bulawayo.
Former SDA church member in trouble for attending Prophet Makandiwa's church.
"It's so sad and disappointing that my own mother chucked me of out of her house accusing me of being a Satanist because I left SDA our family church to join UFIC," said Precious.

"It's been three months since I joined the church. This other time I came with anointing oil she said she did not want satanic stuff to enter her house,".

" I was shocked ion Sunday when she told me that she can't continue to live with a Satanist so I was shown the door,' she added.

In her defence Maria said as long as someone is under her roof they have to stick to her rules.

"I cannot let her come here with incantations from her so called church. He father attended SDA until he departed this earth. I don't want trouble in my house," she said.

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