Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Too sexy for the funeral! ‘Respect our culture’

SOME people say sexy young kasi women outrage their elders when they break with the culture of mourning. Indiscreet male mourners tend to stare at the young women with lust when they wear short skirts and see-through clothing to a funeral.

At one funeral in Port Elizabeth’s Booysen’s Park on Saturday a woman sparked fury with her mini skirt, high heels and a bared shoulder.
Too sexy for the funeral! ‘Respect our culture’
The elders criticised her, but she ignored them. She wouldn’t speak to the SunTeam, but other young mourners defended her.

A 21-year-old woman who would not be named said: “We like attention, but men do not take us seriously.

“At funerals men give us the attention we deserve.

“Old and young offer us lifts to the graveyard.

“A man who gives you a compliment at a funeral is sober-minded, unlike in taverns. But our parents disapprove of our way of dressing. They must understand that times have changed,” she said.

Angry Thamie Mcinga (59), of New Brighton, said: “It is wrong to wear short skirts and transparent outfits to funerals. I will not allow it at a funeral of my relative.
Her dress caused an uproar at the funeral.
 Photo by Chris Qwazi
“We are Africans. They must respect our culture. Their parents must tell them to dress properly.

“I grew up in Willowvale. The place to meet girls was at the river, not funerals.

“Funerals are no place for dating. Our kids should respect that!”

Gogo Nonkululeko Soyizwaphi (78) said: “It is wrong for women to go to a funeral semi-naked.

“Women should respect their families and culture.”

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