Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Phrases that can restore peace to your relationship

These are phrases you can use to immediately bring some calm to relationship drama:
Phrases that can restore peace to your relationship
 “I see you/I hear you”
When you remove yourself from the equation and acknowledge the needs of your partner, you will definitely begin to experience a relationship transformation.

“How can I make this right?”
The key is to not only be apologetic, but also seek ways to resolve the situation. Asking this question confirms you are willing to do whatever is necessary to heal your partnership and support your mate.

“I am sorry”
Be sorry for what happened, how your partner feels and the impact it has on the relationship.
“I forgive you”
True forgiveness means you’ve acknowledged what happened, accepted it and are now ready to move forward. You haven’t done so if every time there is a disagreement you use the past mistake as a secret weapon.

“I put you first”
We want to know that we matter in our relationship. Nothing does that better than reminding your partner of their priority status in your life.

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