Wednesday, November 26, 2014

How Practicing Gratitude Can Transform Your Finances

This post originally appeared on LearnVest. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, you’re probably acutely aware of all the reasons you should boost your personal gratitude quotient.

Hint: Because it can help you get happier, healthier, less stressed-out—and more optimistic overall.

Another big-time benefit? Feeling grateful can also make you richer.
How Practicing Gratitude Can Transform Your Finances
That’s according to some interesting research from professors at Northeastern University, the University of California Riverside and Harvard University.

In their study, 75 participants were assigned to one of three groups: The first was asked to spend five minutes writing about an experience that made them feel grateful, the second was tasked with writing about something that left them feeling happy, and the third was asked to focus on the events of a typical day.

This post originally appeared on LearnVest.
RELATED: 8 Financial Lessons You Can Learn From the Holidays

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