Friday, January 26, 2018

Cameroonian Pastor Predicts Death Of Paul Biya Before October

The teacher of the fallen University of Douala became "apostle" and "general" of Christ. He spoke at length about his new role on the show L'Arène (Canal 2 International) on January 21, 2018.

Guy Parfait Songue, still known a few years ago under his university cap, has become a champion of spirituality . The former teacher of the University of Douala now presents himself as an "apostle" of Jesus Christ, one of the 7 African "generals" whom God has sent to the earth. It is largely to explain this new activity that he came to the show The Arena (Canal 2 International) on January 21, 2018.

He recalled some of his actions in this direction. And also talked about his relationship with a power that he would have helped to maintain. "(...) I am in a war position. There are people who are victims of violence, injustice, bewitchment, possession, blockage, etc.
Cameroonian Pastor Predicts Death Of Paul Biya Before October
And I identify people in the face I said here at Canal 2 that I worked for this country in secret for a long time on serious things. That I saved the President of the Republic according to a coup d'etat. Have you ever heard someone give me a right of reply on it? Never ! I know the issues in this country that some ministers even in office do not know.

Guy Parfait Songue says he forgave the Cameroonian government for "casting a business" for him and that's what made him grow spiritually. He reiterated, however, that the same government wanted to kill his life. The teacher excluded from the faculty of the University of Douala in 2015 for lack of diplomas says he understands the living relationship with God.

According to him, God wants to make sure that Africa governs the world, the first Jews, Arabs, Europeans, Indians, are blacks. He also says that African leaders are in the majority in sects because they seek power. The catch is that their mistakes are to be in the sects led by others, people outside their continent.

Guy Parfait Songue believes that those who run Cameroon are bad and "must leave". He argues that Boko Haram attacks and disturbances in English-speaking areas are financed from within Cameroon. Finally, he says he does not know if Cameroonian President Paul Biya will still be alive when the next presidential election will be held. 

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