Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Prophet TB Joshua Vs Pastor Chris

People using online media are reacting to Synagogue Church of All Nations Prophet TB Joshua's statement about abortion after rape, the popular cleric has also added his influential voice to the topic of self-play, an issue that courted serious controversy some years ago when Christ Embassy's Pastor Chris Oyakhilome stated it was not a sin.

In an interactive question and answer session via his official Facebook Page, TB Joshua bluntly said the following: "(Playing with yourself) stems from a desire to have sex. Once that desire is nursed, it is as bad as fornicating. In other words, once that desire is nursed, one is in bondage to the spirit of immorality. There is no other name to call it than sin."

Contrarily, Pastor Oyakhilome stated in a controversial video posted on NigerianEye in 2012:
Prophet TB Joshua Vs Pastor Chris
"In itself, (playing with yourself) is not a sin against God. Now I say that for a reason! Many Christians think that is a sin against God and Satan uses it in oppressing them, oppressing their minds and making them feel ineffective and inefficient in the things of God . . . So if you don't like it, stop! But God has got nothing to do with it.

"It is about you and your body and God is not offended by it."

Pastor Chris feels that the affected woman should have the right to decide whether to terminate pregnancy resulting from rape. He says, "No child should be brought into the world by force . . . " and that the lady could make the decision to keep the pregnancy or not.

TB Joshua clearly disagrees as stated on his Facebook page:

"Committing an abortion when you are raped is a double sin. God often uses foolish things to express Himself.

"Many great people and heroes today are products of this background. In any way, in any circumstance you find yourself in today as you are reading this note, you have not committed any unpardonable sin. Run to Jesus; don't run from Him in whatever situation you find yourself."
Prophet TB Joshua Vs Pastor Chris
Pastor Chris Oyakilome seems to take a more liberal view, refusing to judge the women as he notes that it is not an easy decision as only victims know what they are going through.

"No child should be brought into this world by force, if a lady has been raped, it is left to her to make a decision of whether to keep the baby or not. If you have never been raped, or someone close to you hasn't, you may not agree with this statement."

The BIG question now is whom to agree with, Pastor Chris or TB Joshua. Only your conscience can guide you, but do you have the right to make that decision on someone else's behalf?

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