Monday, December 7, 2015

Tuku ‘s SECRET Love CHILD SPEAKS out on how her father Neglected Her

WHILE her alleged father is touring the world leaving crowds in hysteria, making VIPs and Heads of States dance, all that Memory Mtukudzi wants is to give her father his lobola money and move on with her life.

Memory claims to be suffering and tormented by her father Oliver Mtukudzi’s (pictured above) neglect.

“No one deserves to be Mtukudzi’s daughter and suffer the way I am doing. It is not that I am after his money or wealth, but there is a dark cloud hanging over my head because of his absence in my life.

“In short, I can say I am a cursed woman who does not need a cleansing ceremony as many might advise, but all I need is my father’s blessings and everything will be normal,” said the visibly desperate Memory with eyes full of tears.
Tuku ‘s SECRET Love CHILD SPEAKS out on how her father Neglected Her
Memory has been told by sangomas that her suffering was because her ancestors are angry. The only person to help her would be her father.

“In my life I do not know happiness and I have been told that it is crucial that I meet him.

“I do not need his money, but all I need are his blessings and for him to get part of his lobola money from my husband,” she said.

During her lobola ceremony her uncles took their share for bringing her up. But the lion’ share belonged to her father — sadly she has no contact with him.

Out of desperation, since her mother Barbra Siziba died when she was only eight years old, Memory has tried without luck to get to her father.

“It is not like my mother’s relationship with Mtukudzi was a one-night stand, but it was a long term one as I understand it was on until I was five years old.

“Armed with that information and knowing that he is aware that I exist, I travelled to his home in Norton.

“When I got there, I was not given attention. I had to sleep by the gate for two days hoping they will finally attend to me.

“The domestic workers were sent to chase me away and when I told them my story, they just told me that each and every day people flock there claiming to be Tuku’s children,” said Memory.

Realising how uphill her task was, she returned home and is now in a dilemma on what step to take since the first one failed.

“I just do not know what to do, now I am considering taking money from my husband and then travel to dump it at his gate maybe that way things might change because I have suffered enough,” said Memory.

B-Metro tracked down Memory’s aunt — her mother’s sister Annah Ngwenya in Mberengwa who confirmed Tuku being the father.

“Before Barbara fell in love with Mtukudzi, she was his favourite fan. She wouldn’t miss his shows. One day Mtukudzi proposed love to her. He then rented a house for her and Memory was born,” she said.

When Siziba fell ill she had no choice but to go to Mberengwa where she stayed in the care of her family. That was the last she saw of her loving superstar.

“Before she breathed her last Barbra confided in us that Memory was really Mtukudzi’s biological daughter and we were supposed to take her to her father,” she said.

Ngwenya said Memory’s uncles were frustrated by the way Mtukudzi treated their sister.

“After her death we agreed to take Memory to her father (Mtukudzi) but one of my brothers, Innocent who had met Mtukudzi at Barbra’s lodgings refused saying Mtukudzi was supposed to first pay lobola since he once stayed with his sister as husband and wife,” added Ngwenya.

Memory (23) has a child of her own but interestingly she herself does not have a birth certificate.Mtukudzi’s manager and spokesperson Sam Mataure could neither confirm or
deny the issue.

In an e-mailed response, Mataure said he was willing to link Memory with the family.

“Before any comment can be issued, I think it’s better to get a chance to get in touch with Memory so that I can put her in touch with someone from the family who can assist with her case. I think this is the best way to deal with her case than for her to walk straight to Mtukudzi’s house.

If her case is correct, then it will be handled in the proper way by the correct family members from our side. If her case is not correct, we will treat the case and her with respect.”

However, this is not the initial occasion when the legendary musician is being sucked into a “secret child” storm following other sensational revelations contained in an “explosive” book, Tuku Backstage, written by Tuku’s former publicist and veteran journalist Shepherd Mutamba.

According to an extract from the controversial book Tuku’s wife, Daisy, revealed sensational secrets about her fights with the superstar,particularly the incident when she wanted to shoot Zimbabwe’s international music icon, after he denied paternity of an alleged secret son named Selby Tapiwa Mtukudzi.

Daisy says women throw themselves at her man and harass her because they want to get Tuku away from her.
Source: BMetro

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