Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Drama as Guard BUST Victoria Students in hot thigh vending session.

Two pupils at Victoria High school who took advantage of the lapse in the monitoring of students during the mid-year exams were last week caught having a hot thigh vending in a bush in the school yard.

The pair was caught at around 11am and the girl whose name has been revealed to us left behind her underwear, a towel which they had spread out on the ground and a textbook as she fled after being caught by a security guard who disturbed their love making session.

The school head, John Muzamani professed ignorance over the matter when the news team called him. However, reliable sources said the guard handed over the personal belongings to the school’s deputy head when he reported the case.
Drama as Guard BUST Victoria Students in hot thigh vending session.
Cases of s-ex scandals and abuse of alcohol at Vic High are common. Two years ago 36 pupils were suspended after going on a drinking binge in town.

Some 36 boarding students were expelled from Victoria High School this week after they allegedly went on a binge on Saturday, drinking and dating in town, according to information supplied by our sources. A security guard was reportedly suspended from work over the matter. He was accused of having taken bribes in order to allow the pupils out of the school premises.

After sneaking out, the students were all over Masvingo city centre, at beauty pageant held at the Sports Club, at Ritz and Liquids Night Club.

Two students who got drunk exposed the rest after they were arrested by the police and it was discovered that there were many more students around the city. Parents to some of the students who were involved confirmed the incident.

After the incident became a public secret, some students reportedly went on to spill the beans and allege that school guards were in the habit of receiving US$1 from students and then arrange a place for them to have s-ex in the classrooms at night.

Sources said cases of beer drinking are still rife in the school with empties of hot stuffs being picked from time to time. They also said that most of the cases go unpunished and that creates indiscipline.

Provincial education director, Zedius Chitiga said the case had not been brought to him.
Source: Chronicle

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