Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Martin Dinha receives death threats

Mashonaland Central Provincial Affairs Minister Martin Dinha on Monday received an envelope containing a live AK47 bullet and a death sympathy card.

The card had a message that he would die the same way as the late Zanu-PF political commissars, Cdes Border Gezi and Elliot Manyika, who both died in car accidents.

Minister Dinha confirmed the incident yesterday.

He said the matter has since been reported at Bindura Police Station under RRB 2355962 and CR 121/07/15.
Martin Dinha receives death threats
The Office of the President Mashonaland Central filed the report. Minister Dinha said an envelope containing the bullet and the sympathy card were delivered to his office at around 1am.

The accompanying message read: “Resign now or you die. You messed up with the wrong guys. Manyika, Gezi and Masawi waiting for you”.

He said he was shaken by the incident. “I am taking the threat seriously given that there was an attempt on my life during the election period in 2013,” said Minister Dinha.

“As a human being, I am obviously shocked by this incident but I believe it’s cowardly and while I’m shaken, I’m not intimidated. I will continue discharging my duties and will not resign. If God believes I must die of a man’s bullet, so be it.”

Contrary to reports in the opposition Press that he belonged to one of the two factions allegedly in Zanu-PF, Minister Dinha said he had on countless times reiterated that he did not belong to any faction.

“I pray to one God and serve one master President Mugabe who is my hero and mentor,” he said. “I am his disciple. To me factionalism of any form is counter-revolutionary.”

He said there should be one party and one leader. Minister Dinha said he viewed the First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe as a mother figure to him and his family.

“She is kind, honest and principled. I love her and follow her exemplary life,” he said.

Minister Dinha said he was prepared to defend President Mugabe and the First family.

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