Sungura maestro Alick Macheso staged a live performance at Prophet Walter Magaya’s church having billed the prophet in Harare Friday night, in a development that has drawn bitter criticism from the local Christian community.
Macheso outshines Prophet Walter Magaya at the men's allnight prayer |
Macheso entertained the PHD (Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Church) congregation all the way for close to an hour on Friday. This was during the Prophet’s All Night Prayer meeting for men.
Macheso outshines Prophet Walter Magaya at the men's allnight prayer |
While some said there was nothing wrong with what Magaya did, many were quick to question the move calling it a perversion of Biblical principles. “Why are sinners allowed to sing in churches before they are saved?,” queried one Sekai Maromo.
Macheso outshines Prophet Walter Magaya at the men's allnight prayer |
But perhaps, “it is an opportunity for Alick Macheso to reflect on suffering of his children,” quippeed in Girl Child Network Founder Betty Makoni.
She continued: “What good does it do to him when the public is happy and hos children suffering.I am hoping Prophet Magaya if indeed is Prophet he will spiritually advise Macheso to attend to his ailing children and offer support.They say charity begins at home.”
Macheso outshines Prophet Walter Magaya at the men's allnight prayer |
But Sandra Dube said Magaya committed no sin in signing Macheso for his church function. “These are spiritual things and you have to remember you don’t know Macheso’s heart do you?,” she said.