Don’t appear like you a forcing the pace, nor come across as completely disinterested, find the middle path, and make sure that you are not doing these ten things that can make you look desperate and unwanted.
1. Forsaking all your friends and being too available for him
Just because you’ve met the man of your dreams, that doesn’t mean you should instantly drop all your friends. If you can’t make a particular date, because you’d already arranged to go out with your friends, then tell him. He’s going to expect you to be busy some nights anyway, and if you’re not, he’s going to wonder why not.2. Planning for the future too soon and showing yourself scared of being left on the shelf
Keep the topic of conversation light on the first few dates. Talk of marriage, babies and settling down will make it look like you are scared of being left on the shelf. Keep your ideas for the perfect wedding to yourself for now and wait until you get to know him better.3. Becoming a text pest
Avoid texting too often, especially, when you only texted ten minutes ago. Not everyone keeps their phone in eyeshot all the time and he might just be busy. Sending a text asking why he didn’t reply to your other text is a definite sign of desperation and it will only annoy him anyway.4. Turning up unannounced
Turning up at his home or his place of work, unannounced, isn’t just an act of desperation, it’s also a pretty creepy one. In the early stages of a relationship, surprises like that aren’t romantic, they smack of desperation and could get you accused of stalking!5. Pretending to like everything that he does
If you pretend that you like watching a ball game on the TV when you don’t, your lie will come out eventually. You can’t possibly love everything that he likes to do and, if you lie about this type of thing, he will find out and think that you are capable of lying about other things too.6. Showering him with gifts for no reason at all
You can’t buy love, so don’t shower him with gifts when you hardly even know him. A gift for his birthday is fine, but if suddenly you start buying gifts for no reason at all, it’s going to look strange and make it seem that you will do anything to gain his affections.
7. Introducing him to the family too soon
Taking him round to meet mom and dad too soon, is going to ring alarm bells in his head too. As excited as you may be about this new guy in your life, meeting the parents is something that should be left until later on in the relationship, when you are sure that this is going somewhere.
8. Putting up with his bad behaviour and letting him ‘walk all over you’
A sure fire way to make you look desperate and unwanted is to let a guy walk all over you. You should never let a guy be abusive, cruel or rude to you, and you shouldn’t just settle for second best.9. Obsessing about where he is and who he is with
Asking where he has been and wanting to know everything about who he has been with is going to scare him away. Trying to keep him with you all day, every day, and getting jealous when he’s not, will make you seem far too clingy and needy.10. Tracking his every move on Facebook and declaring your love for him online too soon
Another scary and desperate looking habit is to instantly like and comment on all his posts on Facebook or re-tweeting all his tweets. Be careful too, about what you tweet and post about him. Telling all your friends that the guy that you only met last night is definitely your Mr Right is going to bring an early end to what might have otherwise been a beautiful relationship!Do you want to add other things that make girls look desperate and unwanted to our list?
Stay happy.
Source: Beauty and Tips.