Thursday, April 23, 2015

Scorned Woman Dumps Lying Lover’s Entire Apple Collection In The Bath.

A Japanese woman got sweet revenge on her cheating boyfriend by giving his Apple collection a good bath. The unnamed woman dumped his iMac, iPhone, iPad and accessories in the bath tub.
Scorned Woman Dumps Lying Lover’s Entire Apple Collection In The Bath.
She then took photos of the bath of revenge, and sent the pictures to him.

The unnamed cheater, tweeted the pictures to his account @foolishnessfly2 and it was retweeted more than 17,000 times.
Which translates to: “Got caught having an affair, but all appliances bath botch flies to prevent not?”

The bath looks really smaller.
The apple products take a bath
iMac get’s a wash
If this was RW Editor Stacey’s BlackBerry’s I’m sure we would be reporting a death – but then again she doesn’t cheat. LOL. I jest. What are your thoughts? Post your comments below.

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