Friday, April 3, 2015

BULAWAYO man sjamboks wife for sleeping without a mosquito net.

A BULAWAYO man allegedly assaulted his wife with a sjambok all over the body before strangling her for sleeping without a mosquito net. Mandla Nkomo, 26, of Pumula South suburb, allegedly arrived home at around 11PM on Monday and found his wife Thembani Tshuma already asleep.

When he noticed that his wife had not covered the bed with a mosquito net, he went ballistic and sjamboked her.

Tshuma was referred to Mpilo Central Hospital for treatment following the brutal assault. Nkomo appeared before Provincial magistrate Willard Maphios Moyo yesterday facing a physical abuse charge.
BULAWAYO man sjamboks wife for sleeping without a mosquito net.
He was not asked to plead and remanded in custody to April 9. Tshuma, who appeared to be in pain, had welts on her neck and arms. Prosecuting Mufaro Mageza told the court that on Monday, Nkomo went home around 11PM and when he found out that his wife had not spread the mosquito net over the bed, he became angry.

“Nkomo vigorously shook her and asked her why she didn’t put the mosquito net before sleeping. When Tshuma told him that the mosquito net had big holes, Nkomo got angry,” said Mageza.

He said Nkomo took a sjambok and assaulted Tshuma several times all over the body.

He also punched and tried to strangle her, the court heard. Tshuma, who sustained serious injuries, reported the matter to the police leading to Nkomo’s arrest. Two months ago, a Bulawayo woman was arrested for strangling her husband before stabbing him on the chest with a knife accusing him of cheating on her.

Sinikiwe Moyo, 31, went on to assault her husband with a bottle on the head. The husband Clever Jegede, 43, allegedly lost consciousness after the gruesome attack and was rushed to Mpilo Central Hospital.

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