115-years-old-Susannah-Mushatt-Jones-b-July-6-1899-American |
Centenarians may be rare, but supercentenarians are far rarer. Scientists say that this kind of lifespan all boils down to genetics.
Folks, meet the last five living people who were born in the 1800s.
Do you know what this means? It means that they have lived for over a century and a decade, seen countless wars, historical events and accumulated wisdom that could hold the key to human survival. They are the oldest living people on Earth.
Year after year, they have watched the world change and adapt. They have a perspective on the world that the rest of us cannot even imagine.
They are definitely a unique and extraordinary generation. And each of them are women: three Americans, one Italian, and one Japanese. www.firsttoknow.com
115-years-old-Jeralean-Talley-b.-May-23-1899-American |
115-years-old-Emma-Morano-Martinuzzi-b.-November-29-1899-Italian |
116-years-old-Gertrude-Weaver-b.-July-4-1898-American |
116-years-old-Worlds-Oldest-Living-Person-Misao-Okawa-b.-March-5-1898-Japanese |