A ZESA employee cheated death yesterday when he fell headlong from a roof into a living room while disconnecting power at a Nguboyenja house in Bulawayo.Shocked occupants and neighbours said the unidentified heavily-built worker, fell with a thud when the asbestos roof collapsed around 11AM.
“He fell headlong into the living room and sustained head injuries. He became unconscious for some time and we feared he was dead,” said Eunice Moyo, the occupant.
“He just gave us a statement of our debt that is more than $1,000 and quickly mounted his ladder. The next thing he was on top and before fulfilling his mission he had fallen down.”
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Zesa disconnection agent falls through roof |
“He was very big and these asbestos are too old and they aren’t strong anymore. I just heard a loud bang as he fell,” she added.
Moyo said she then called neighbours who assisted in calling for an ambulance but Zesa officials arrived first and rushed their colleague to hospital using a company vehicle.
She said Zesa officials returned and advised her to compile a list of items that were damaged when their employee fell and forward it to the company.
Gogo MaGumbo, a neighbour, said she phoned the ambulance and sent children to report the matter to a Zesa substation in Nguboyenja.
“We don’t know which hospital they took him to. These roofs are very old and get damaged easily,” she said.
When the news crew visited the house residents were still milling around discussing the matter and comforting their neighbour.
Zesa southern region manager Lovemore Chinaka could not be drawn to comment but said the family should engage Zesa offices to make a claim for their damaged property.
“They should talk to our guys. There is a procedure to follow for them to make a claim and our insurance people will deal with the matter,” said Chinaka.