Thursday, June 5, 2014

Exclusive: Among Nigeria Pastors, Only TB Joshua Behaves Like Jesus Christ--Soul E

Abuja based artiste cum prophet, Soul E, who has been under various criticisms about his numerous prophesies, in this interview with, has expressed his mind that he his not the originator of the prophesies and any one that cares to believe should listen and pray about it.

What do you think is the reason people don't believe your prophesies?

Well to answer your question, I am Prophet Emmanuel Ifechukwude people know me as prophet Soul E. I am not called for everyone, I am call to nations not just Nigeria. When my master Jesus was on earth, people did not believe him and with all he did, they still killed him. So, it’s expected that some people will not believe. It does not bother me and it does not change the fact that God is using me for those that believe.

Well-spoken prophet. Now, with all your revelations, why is it that some of it are yet to come to pass eg, the WizKid and Davido’s case?

When God speaks through his prophet, it’s a warning to those who are involved. Like I said about the two guys and we have been praying for the protection of God over their lives. So, we are happy that they are strong and still doing what they love doing, I will not be happy if we lose another act again, so we are praying.
Exclusive: Among Nigeria Pastors, Only TB Joshua Behaves Like Jesus Christ--Soul E
You said you do not know Davido and WizKid, but as an artiste, you still have the opportunity of meeting fellow colleagues in the industry. So why not bring them closer to advise them?

I am not an artiste, I am a minister the gospel, I am a Prophet, not the Soul E you guys used to know. So mine is to pass the word to whosoever God sent me to. Yes, I don't know them one on one; we are not friends neither are we close. So, I have passed the message. He that has an ear will hear and get closer to God.

You claimed not to be an artiste, but you still sing and your latest song 'Thank God’ is still making waves

Yes, I sing but I am not an artist, I am a minister. I don't do music because I want to be known, I do music because I want to minister to lives and bring them back to God. That's what makes me different.

Enlighten us more, do you own a personal ministry, or you worship in another church?

I don't run a church for now, I do ministry except the Lord asks me to, but for now, I do programs here and there. We storm cities, nations, doing prophetic healings and meetings. The name of my ministry is called ‘The Kingdom Builders Assembly.’ The Lord gave me a mandate to raise men and women for him. So, we build and raise men for the kingdom.

With the way churches flood the streets, would you say most pastors are called by God?

I don't talk against anyone bro, on the last day, that question will be answered, but trust me, many will be amazed because the people that we believe are from God may not make it; it will be those who have been written off that will enter the kingdom.
What do you have to say about the dress style of Christians to churches, especially the women?

(Laughs). Any woman that has the fear of God will dress like a decent and responsible woman, but any one that is not filled with the spirit of God will do otherwise. But I don't judge them. The house of God is a place where anybody can go to and be saved. So, I trust God will touch them and they will be saved.

What about the collection of tithes, is it a right thing or an obligation?

Spiritual things are not for babies’; paying of tithes is biblical and if you want to be great in life, you will obey that instruction.

Are you in support of ministers of God with private jets?

My bro, prosperity is of God, but I will be the last to talk against any man of God. I think people should just serve God and forget about people’s wealth. There is one man of God I love with all of my heart and I can say he is the only person I see that behaves like Jesus even if so many talk against him. I love him; I am not a member of his church but I love him. His name is T B Joshua.

Looking at gospel music, what do you think is the lacuna hindering its wide acceptance?

The people that dance in the club on Fridays go to church on Sundays. So, gospel music is everywhere, just like the word of God is all over the place. My ‘Thank God’ album has sold close 900,000 copies without publicity. So, gospel music is life to the souls of men.

As a prophet of God, why haven't you received the a revelation about the Chibok girls?

I don't follow the crowd, why should I say what God has not told me? If he tells me anything concerning the girls, I will tell it to the world.

There have been proposals that churches and mosques should pay taxes. What is your take on this and why?

Oh, really, I have not heard of that but I have no comment on that.

What is that work of ministration that you have done which is most memorable to you?

There are many of them. God has done lots of things; a woman without womb giving birth, cancer cured, the blinds receiving their sights. What else can I say, but all glory to His name forever more.

You once gave out a prophesy that before the end of 2015, two governors will die, is it really necessary for them to die or better to change their ways?

(Laughs). I gave it last year and the Kaduna State Governor died few weeks after. I just obey the voice of God whether people like it or not. I do what He says, not what people want to hear. One thing is sure, I don't speak when God has not spoken.

Is there any humanitarian service your ministry is embarking on to help some people in the society?

Yes, we give back to schools, mostly here in the north. As God blesses us, we will do more.

Ok, what is your perception about secular music?

It depends on the songs. In some cases, they convey inspirational message and I love those types of tunes. If a song has a positive message, I am fine with it.

Of this secular songs (inspirational), who and who would you give commendations?

I love Timi Dakolo, Paul Play, 2Face and Celine Dion.

Are you now saying that we don't have good song writers in Nigeria?

You said that, not me.

Looking at the various challenges going on in Nigeria today, what is the role of the church in salvaging the situation?

The Church has lost its respect and power. Gone are the days when there was fire in the church but God will restore the Church; one thing I know is that the hand of God will do his work.

As a minister of the gospel, if you were privileged to change something in this country, what would that be?

I will make sure there is electricity 24 hours a day across the country because it has a spiritual meaning. A nation where there is light 24/7 will always be on top any situation.

Aside your recently released single, is there any music ministration your fans should be expecting from you and when?

I will let you know when I am ready, but the name of my next album is called ‘Bad Boy Turn Prophet’ and it will be released later in the year.

OK, when exactly this year do you intend to launch it and where?

Maybe before November.

Why did you have to start with secular songs, knowing that you were a future prophet?

I am a testimony. My life has brought thousands to God and I thank God for using me for His works.

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