Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I am just another black woman

I am sure most light skin women of color can relate to being asked, “are you mixed?”. Which is really code for, “are you biracial?”. What is even more frustrating is when you answer, “no” and then someone continues on to ask, “are you sure?”

No sir, I am not sure what my racial background is, perhaps I really am “mixed” or biracial and didn’t know about it. What was even weirder is I was actually asked this question after someone had seen both of my parents before.

Both of my parents look black (whatever that is suppose to mean) and after seeing them no rational person would jump to the conclusion that I am biracial.

Sorry to disappoint, but no I am just a black woman who happens to be light skin. Technically all black people in America are “mixed” to some degree. There is probably none or very few of us that are 100% anything.

I am just another black woman
That being said, further back in my family I sure do have a colorful racial background, but this does not make me “mixed”. All this makes me is like any other black person in America and for that matter all African Americans are mixed.

It’s not so particularly offensive that someone would think to even ask this question. It’s natural, we are only human and curious about the world around us.

However, once I have given you your answer don’t insist that I must not be black because of your limited idea of what a person of color should look like.

There are people that 3 times blacker than me, that do not identify as black, but consider themselves a Latina with African Ancestry. Bet you would gawk at that one.

If you ask someone what their racial background is, trust them when they tell you what they are. I am sure they know exactly what they are talking about.

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