Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Econet Reignites Telecel Hostility!

ECONET Wireless has reignited its protracted hostility with fierce rival Telecel Zimbabwe's after barring its agents from doubling up as agents for rival mobile money transfer service, telecash.

This follows the launch by Telecel last week of its own mobile money transfer service, telecash, which will compete directly with Econet's Ecocash. Telecel said it had no problem with agents doubling up for competition provided they saw value in doing so.

According to the Chronicle, Ecocash agents were made to sign exclusivity agreements by Econet against their will.

Telecel initially took its exception to Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe who advised it to approach the Reserve Bank as regulator for financial services.

Potraz acting director general Mr Alfred Marisa yesterday confirmed receiving the complaints from Telecel, but said the authority advised them to approach mobile financial service regulator, RBZ.

"Mobile financial services are regulated by the Reserve Bank. While they contacted us and said there is that problem, we referred them to the RBZ, we are not the responsible authority," he said.

Contacted for comment, Telecel confirmed lodging its reservations with the telecoms regulator who referred it to the central bank.

"We confirm that we sent correspondence to Potraz and they referred us back to RBZ. We shared with RBZ our concerns and they are currently doing their own investigations and we await their feedback," said Telecel public relations manager Mr Francis Chimanda.

The country's second biggest telecommunications operator-with 2,5 million active subscribers-after Econet Wireless with 8,5 million, said it will not "comment further until it has received feedback."

No comments on the issue could be obtained from both Econet Wireless and the RBZ by the time of going to press yesterday.

An Ecocash agent in the CBD interviewed by this paper said the move was unfair on agents as they wanted to maximise their revenue streams.

"It makes sense for agents to service all mobile money networks using the same overheads of rent and employees. Therefore it follows that an agent to represent telecash, Mobile Moola, Texta Cash, Zippit, One Wallet and in the process get money from each," said the agent.

Another agent said: "I think it's a violation of our rights. We are in business to earn a living not to be slaves of Econet."

The latest episode marks yet another chapter in a short period that Econet has been involved in bruising battle for supremacy with Telecel.

Last year, Econet disconnected Telecel making it difficult for the latter's subscribers to make call calls into its domineering "big brother's network over allegations that Telecel did not hold a valid licence.

However, the real origins of the wrangle was when Telecel effected massive discount on calls for its customers, which analysts said made Econet feel threatened by the possibility of losing customers at a time its voice call revenue appear to be tapering off.

Econet is also involved in a war with banks over the opening of the USSD gateway. The banking industry has been fighting a raging battle with Econet to open up access to its USSD gateway which supports SMS mobile banking products such as money transfers.

However, Econet has brushed aside bankers' requests for a revision of its one-sided agreement that is tilted unfavourably in Econet's favour. Econet insists that there will be no wholesale revision of the agreement but the telephony services company says "it is willing to talk to individual banks."

Sources close to the failed discussion between Econet and the banks told Herald Business that the issue has now been referred to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

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