Well it turns out 2014 may be a very interesting year in Zimbabwe`s mobile money transfer system as we see all Mobile Network Operators gear up for the battle of numbers and it turns out that the 2year 5months old Ecocash got its first lesson from the one week old Telecash.
We got an interesting tweet mention from Econet Zimbabwe which got the attention of 16 ReTweets and 5 favourites when Econet announced that they have introduced a new USSD code to access the Ecocash Menu.
Ecocash has introduced their shorter code cutting their old one into half, removing the unnecessary sub menu on home menu. It is no longer *151*200#, all you now need to do is to dial *151# then voila! You are in.
The Old Ecocash Menu is however still accessible via *151*200# USSD. It looks like Ecocash will be keeping a very close eye on the Telecash Development, as much as Telecash also launched on the Ills of Ecocash.
Telecash also took advantage of issues of connectivity across all networks, high tarrifs by Ecocash and Zimswitch interconnectivity to score points against Ecocash.
It seems it’s a game of perfecting what thy neighbour has done half-baked and we are set for a very exciting season ahead of us.