Monday, June 19, 2017

Cde Chinx Died Before Party To Celebrate His New House

Veteran musician Dickson ‘Cde Chinx’ Chingaira died a day before his house-warming party that had been scheduled for Saturday. Dubbed the ‘House Warming Party’ the party had been scheduled to start at 10 am till late at his 17 Tekley Drive, Mabelreign house with a black, white and silver theme. 

Alternatively, there was a $5 fine for breaching the party color code. Cede Chinx’s second wife, Ntombizodwa, appeared on the flier alongside the late. No explanation could be given about why the first wife Patricia did not have a picture on the flier. With controversy having been spurred on social media about what would happen to the house should Cde Chinx die, the appearance of one wife on the invite could have sent a few tongue wagging?
Cde Chinx Died Before Party To Celebrate His New House
However, Patricia is the one who has been staying at the Mabelreign house, one month after moving in with Cde Chinx. Second wife, Ntombizodwa, has been staying in Norton. This comes after the First Lady, Dr Amai Grace Mugabe advised Ntombizodwa to understand her role as the younger wife and take a back seat regarding ownership of the house even while Cde Chinx was alive. How Cde Chinx”s estate will be distributed is news that will likely hog the limelight once his burial is over and done with. He survived with his two wives and 14 children. Family spokesperson, who is son to the late, Deeds Chingaira confirmed that plans for a house-warming party were at an advanced stage before the musician was admitted at West End hospital before his death. Deeds said they had already sent put party invitations to family, friends and other stakeholders and they were also faced with a mammoth task of cancelling the party when he was admitted. “We had plans to do a house-warming party on Saturday and this is because his condition was now very stable. He had just moved into the house a month ago and the house still needed some furniture hence we hoped to use the party to raise money to furnish the house. We had also hoped to celebrate the house with him on Saturday but God had other plans.

“Plans for the party were already at an advanced stage and we had to cancel when he was admitted three days before his death. He had gone for his check-ups at the hospital on Tuesday and that is when he was admitted and his condition deteriorated while he was in hospital. It was after the admission that we decided to reschedule the party for another date and like I said we had already sent out party invites so it is not surprising that a house-warming party invitation flyer is circulating on social media,” he said. One of the party organizers, identified as Mai Chris concurred that plans for the party were at an advanced stage and it was unfortunate that he died while they were planning on the celebrations.

Source: H Metro

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